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Strengthen Your Immune System with MCT Oil. There’s no way around it— viruses and bacteria surround us all the time. Singular medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil contains medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that act as natural antibiotics, which means they boost your immune system and fight off harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. While completely harmless to our bodies, MCFAs are lethal to some of the most notorious disease-inducing microorganisms in existence.
Add MCT Oil to your daily health regimen to help fight off illness during any time of the year! One of my favorite sources of MCFAs is Herbs of the Earth MCT Oil. It is rapidly absorbed, easy to digest, and quickly converted to energy to maximize athletic performance. You can add Herbs of the Earth MCT Oil to any drink, smoothie, or shake and use it in place of highly processed and easily oxidized conventional vegetable oils in salad dressings and sauces.
MCT Oil Capsules Caprylic Acid ★ KETO 3000mg ★ Brain Octane Fuel & Healthy weight loss to stimulate Ketosis ★ Brain Booster with Potent C8 + C10 medium chain triglycerides ★ Effective Ketogenic, Keto diet ★ Paleo, Low-Carb Diets, 120 Liquid Capsules